
Friday, July 18, 2014

An "Open Letter" to people who OPPOSE next year's celebrating 75 years of Antibiotics

While there are huge numbers of people out there who adamantly oppose vaccines flat out, most people only oppose the mis-use or over-use of antibiotics - as do all doctors and scientists.

But a few people quietly oppose antibiotics totally : those in the natural health field ,  who'd rather you'd spend your health dollars on healthy natural foods that keep your natural immunity at 100% efficiency.

Perhaps this lack of opposition to all antibiotic use, compared to the opposition to all vaccines, it is a measure of how stupid we humans can be at times.

Why else do we give a much greater weight to a drug that immediately cures us from an ongoing painfully fatal disease than we do to a vaccine that years earlier quietly prevented us from ever getting painfully and fatally sick in the first place ?

Clean water and good sewers, plentiful food , warm dry homes, less stress from trying to managing on below-poverty wages , childhood vaccines --- all have done far far more than antibiotics ever have to reduce our chances of dying early.

But when these frontline defences fail, there is no getting around the fact that naturally-produced antibiotics have saved far more lives than all the Man-made synthetic anti-bacterials ever have.

Natural Health Movement

So this a sort of an Open Letter to my friends in the Natural Health movement.

Yes, please continue to oppose the over-use and mis-use of antibiotics and yes please continue to advocate clean water, healthy food and homes and happy minds as key to preventing us ever getting sick.

But when we do get deathly ill from a bacteria disease, is it really so wrong to let naturally-made penicillin fight back the disease so we can live out our three score and ten ?

Please don't oppose the 75th anniversary celebrations of Martin Henry Dawson birthing the Age of Antibiotics with his selfless "Penicillin-for-All"  October 16th 1940 in Manhattan.

After all , that man sacrificed his own life to selflessly help others - what gives you the fracking right to come around and kick yet more dirt on his grave --- didn't the Anglo-American medical establishment do enough of that already ?

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